Proxy Settings

Leverage the Proxy feature for sending requests via your HTTP Proxy server of choice.


The Proxy Feature is currently available via the Desktop App only. The web app will support Proxy settings in the near future.

Unlike other tools like Postman where you can only have one proxy server for your entire workspace, each folder in Testfully can have their own proxy settings. When applied to a parent folder, all of the sub-folders inherit the settings, unless a sub-folder is set to not use a Proxy Server or has dedicated proxy server settings.

When sending requests, Testfully uses the provided proxy server settings based on the parent folder(s) of requests.

Using your LAN/Wi-Fi proxy settings

If you have configured your LAN/Wi-Fi network to use a proxy server, you don't need to do anything extra as Testfully honours your LAN/Wi-Fi proxy settings. The below options are provided for further customisation. It is worth to mention that Testfully cannot bypass your LAN/Wi-Fi settings at all.

Setting a Proxy Server

To set proxy settings for a folder, please follow the below steps:

  • Hover over the folder name, and click on the "..." icon
  • Click on the "Settings" menu
  • Use the "Proxy" section to set the proxy settings
  • Click "Save" button to permanently save changes

Proxy Types

The Proxy feature comes with four options.

Not SetYou have not set any proxy settings. Testfully leverages parent folder proxy settings or your LAN/Wi-Fi proxy when it's avaialble.
Use Environment VariablesTestfully leverages industry-standard environment variables to load and use proxy settings.
Use Custom Proxy ServerTestfully leverages the provided proxy server settings to send requests.
Do Not Use any ProxyTestfully does not use custom or environment variables but follows LAN/Wi-Fi proxy settings.

Not Set

The "Not Set" option means that you have not explicitly set proxy settings for the selected folder.

When the type of a proxy is "Not Set", Testfully tries to inherit the proxy settings from the parent folders (if there is a parent folder) or defaults to your LAN/Wi-Fi proxy settings for sending requests. When your LAN/Wi-Fi does not have a proxy set, Testfully sends the requests without using a Proxy Server.

When to use `Not Set` option

Use the Not Set option to instruct Testfully to inherit proxy settings from parent folder(s).

Use Environment Variables

The "Use Environment Variables" type instructs Testfully to leverage the industry standard environment variables (mentioned below) to load the Proxy Server settings.

It is worth to mention that setting environment variables for your terminal does not necessarily mean that Testfully would be able to read the values. To correctly set environment variables for a GUI application, please consult documentation of your current OS.

When to leverage `Use Environment Variables` option

When you have set the below environment variables and wish to use it for sending requests.

You can customise Testfully's proxy server using the following environment variable. Each variable comes in two variations: lower_case and UPPER_CASE.

As the rule of thumb:

  • Pick one variation, lower_case or UPPER_CASE; do not use both variations at the same time.
  • When Testfully identifies both lower_case and UPPER_CASE for an environment variable, the lower_case will be used and UPPER_CASE will be ignored.
  • Testfully ignores environment variables that do not hold a value (empty string).
  • To refresh environment variable values, reload the Testfully app by closing and opening it again.

http_proxy & HTTP_PROXY

Both http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY environment variables can be used to set proxy server address.

  • Unless https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY variables have value, both HTTP and HTTPS requests will be proxied using http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY variable values.
  • Both variables must follow the {protocol}://{host}:{port} or {protocol}://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port} format. When your proxy server requires authentication, you can use the later format to pass your username and password to the proxy server.

https_proxy & HTTPS_PROXY

A way to provide proxy server address for HTTPS requests only. Both environment variables follow the rules outlined for the http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY environment variables.

all_proxy & ALL_PROXY

A way to provide proxy server address for both HTTP and HTTPS requests. Both environment variables follow the rules outlined for the http_proxy and HTTP_PROXY environment variables.

  • When http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY environment variables have a value, Testfully ignores both ALL_PROXY and all_proxy environment variables altogether.
  • When https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY environment variables have a value, Testfully ignores both ALL_PROXY and all_proxy environment variables altogether.

no_proxy & NO_PROXY

A way to provide a list of domains (comma separated) to not be proxied.

  • Provide a list of comma-separated domains. E.g.,
  • Exclude multiple subdomains using the * character. E.g. *
  • Set no_proxy or NO_PROXY but not both; when both environment variables have a value, Testfully uses no_proxy only (we do not merge the values).

Disable Proxy Server

To disable proxy server altogether via an environment variable, set no_proxy or NO_PROXY to *.

Use Custom Settings

An easy way to set proxy settings via Testfully GUI and leverage the values for sending requests.

When to use `Custom Settings` option

Use the Custom Settings option when you need to set proxy settings and have it used across multiple machines or multiple user accounts.

The table below briefs the purpose of each field.

ProtocolProtocol of the Proxy Server. One of HTTP or HTTPS.Yes
HostAbility Proxy Server host address (without port)Yes
PortProxy Server port. Defaults to 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPSNo
Forward RequestsWhich protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, Both) should be proxiedYes
Proxy BypassA comma-separated list of domains, sub-domains or IP addressed to not be proxiedNo
UsernameUsername for authentication with the proxy serverNo
PasswordPassword for authentication with the proxy serverNo

No Proxy

The "No Proxy" option means that you do not want to use Environment Variables or Custom Settings for a Proxy. Please keep in mind that it does not mean that Testfully will skip the proxy settings of your LAN or Wi-Fi network; Testfully does not have access to those settings and cannot bypass them neither.

When to use `No Proxy` option

Use the No Proxy option to stop Testfully from inheriting proxy settings from an environment variable or a parent folder.

Troubleshooting Proxy Issues

As the rule of thumb, make sure you have configured your Proxy Server correctly. We highly recommend testing your proxy server using the Custom Proxy Server settings. To help you identify the root cause of proxy-related issued, we have put together a list of common issues and a way to fix them.

My Proxy Server does not receive requests from Testfully

  • If your endpint starts with http, make sure you have instructed Testfully to proxy HTTP requests.
  • If your endpoint starts with https, make sure you have disabled SSL Verification.