Global Values

A Global Value, sometimes called Environment Variable or Config, is a user-defined value that can be included (embedded, referenced) in many requests.

Global values enable our users to parameterize their requests. By parameterizing your requests, your requests become more maintainable, flexible, and easier to refactor in the future.

Using global values in requests

Use global values in requests by adding {{global_value_name}} in any of the request fields. For example, {{base_url}} instructs Testfully to load the value of a global value called base_url.

Create a new global value

To create a new global value, please follow the below steps:

  1. In the left navbar, click on the "Environments" link.
  2. Click on the Global Values button.
  3. Enter a name for your new global value. You can use alphanumeric and hyphens for your global name.
  4. Enter a value for your new global.
  5. Click on Save to save changes.

Use global values in requests

Once added, a Global Value can be referenced from within any request in your workspace. Currently, you can reference global values in Url, Request Header Value, Request Body, Response Body Validation, and Response Header Validation fields by adding {{global_value_name}} to any of the supported fields.

Global Values vs. Environment Variables

Similar to Global Values, Environment Variables provide a way to parameterize requests. You can embed both in your requests using the {{name}} format.

  • An Environment Variable will be used only if you have chosen the parent environment when sending a request, otherwise, the value won't be used.
  • When an environment is being used, an environment variable with the same name as a global value receives more priority, thus the value of the environment variable will be used instead of the global value.