Download Testfully app & Testfully CLI

Testfully is available as both web and desktop apps with identical features and user experience. Testfully's Desktop App offers two solutions for storage: Testfully Cloud and Offline.

Download the Desktop app

Testfully's desktop app is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux

  • The Windows app supports Windows 10 and Windows 11.
  • The Mac app supports Mac OS 12, 13, 14 and 15 at the moment with plans to support Mac OS 11 soon.

Please use the below links to download the latest version (1.167.0).

OSSupported versionInstallerDownload (1.167.0)
WindowsWindows 10 & 11 (64-bit only).msiDownload
MacMacOS 12, 13, 14 and 15 (Intel & Sillicon).appDownload
LinuxAll major distros (x86_64 architecture).AppImageDownload

Installing the Linux app

Testfully app for Linux relies on libfuse2 to work. If you're getting an error related to fuse2, please install the lib. Ubuntu users, please run sudo apt install libfuse2 to install libfuse2.

Use Testfully Web app

Head to to access the latest version of Testfully.

You should know!

Due to the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy of modern browsers and depending on your API implementation, you may get Network Error when using Testfully's web app to send requests. To bypass this issue, please install our browser extensions or switch to our desktop app.

BrowserLatest VersionInstall
Microsoft Edge1.1.0Download
SafariComing soon

Download Testfully CLI

Using Testfully CLI you can run your requests and associated tests as part of your CI & CD pipelines. Install Testfully CLI globally using npm or yarn.

# Install using npm
npm install -g @testfully/cli

# or install using yarn
yarn global add @testfully/cli

To learn more about Testfully CLI, head to Testfully CLI article.