Akamai EdgeGrid Authorization

Akamai EdgeGrid Authorization is available on all plans

Testfully supports Akamai EdgeGrid Authorization, a custom HTTP request signing protocol developed by Akamai. In order to make requests to Akamai APIs, you need to sign your requests using the EdgeGrid protocol. This page provides an overview of how to use Akamai EdgeGrid Authorization with Testfully.

Setting up Akamai EdgeGrid Authorization in Testfully

Akamai EdgeGrid authorization in Testfully follows the standard set of features that are offered for other authorization schemes. You can set up Akamai EdgeGrid authorization in Testfully using one of the following methods:

  • Using the Authorization tab for a request: If you wish to authorize a single request using Akamai EdgeGrid, you can set up the authorization details in the Authorization tab of the request editor.

  • Using the Authorization tab for a parent folder or collection: If you wish to authorize multiple requests using Akamai EdgeGrid, you can set up the authorization details in the Authorization tab of a parent folder or collection.

  • Using the Authorization tab for an environment: If you wish to authorize multiple requests across different folders or collections using Akamai EdgeGrid, you can set up the authorization details in the Authorization tab of an environment.

Once configured, Testfully automatically signs your requests using the Akamai EdgeGrid protocol and includes the required Authorization header in the request. You can inspect the value of the Authorization header in the "Request" tab of the Response pane.

Akamai EdgeGrid Authorization Parameters

No matter which method you choose, you will need to provide the following details to set up Akamai EdgeGrid authorization in Testfully:

Required parameters

The following parameters are required to set up Akamai EdgeGrid authorization in Testfully:

Access Token The value of the access token, provided by Akamai.
Client Token The value of the client token, provided by Akamai.
Client SecretThe value of the client secret, provided by Akamai.

Optional parameters

The following parameters are optional when setting up Akamai EdgeGrid authorization in Testfully:

Nonce A unique nonce (number used once) must be included in the request. If not provided, Testfully automatically generates a UUID v4 for each request.
Timestamp The UTC timestamp when the request is signed. It follows the format: yyyyMMddTHH:mm:ss+0000. If not provided, Testfully automatically sets it to the current time.
Base URL The base URL for the request. If not specified, Testfully automatically extracts it from the request URL.
Headers to Sign A list of headers to include in the signature.
Max Body Size The maximum size of the request body in bytes to include in the signature. If not provided, 131072 will be used.

Dynamic Parameters

You can use variables (globals, environment variables, or collection variables) to dynamically set the values of the Akamai EdgeGrid authorization parameters. Say you have a requirement to use numbers for the Nonce parameter. To achieve this, you can set value of the the Nonce parameter to {{int()}} to generate a random integer for each request.

Supported Platforms

Testfully for Web1.164.0 and later
Testfully for Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows)1.164.0 and later
Testfully CLI1.15.0 and later

Additional Resources